Disclosure Statement: George usually ties his tie with the ‘Nicky’ and occasionally the ‘Oriental’. He is inclined to be judgmental of people who use the ‘Pratt-Shelby’. I have always been keen on knots. I think it comes from Dick Callum worrying how John would feel about the knots he used to rescue the cragfast sheep in…
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About: Rhadegund
Recent Posts by Rhadegund
The World Moves in Swivels and Bops: real gamers don’t use wifi
Disclaimer statement: George did computer studies in 1980, submitting his programs on punchcards. He still remembers the telling off from the technician he got for inadvertently programming an infinite loop that hung up the VAX for the whole night. Given time he can multiply in hexadecimal but doesn’t speak Klingon. As though it wasn’t obvious,…
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Robot Vacuum Cleaners and the adoption of innovation
Disclosure Statement: George is an OWG who divides his time more or less evenly amongst the early adopters and the laggards. He saw an Apple Newton, owned a number of Palm Pilots and now outsources his memory to Google/Android. His aftershave routine involves Old Spice. Any number of controversial topics are swirling around the science…
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Wellington Region Cleans Up in HRC Funding Round
Disclaimer Statement: George has family who work at the University of Otago Wellington. I like it when the Health Research Council (HRC) funding round is announced. Partly to see if anyone I know got funding (see Disclaimer Statement above) but mainly for selfish reasons. I love the way the two universities with medical schools rapidly…
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